AWS IoT Core Device Example: A Step-by-Step Guide

AWS IoT Core enables you to connect IoT devices to the cloud, allowing secure communication and management at scale. Whether you're building a smart home application or monitoring industrial equipment, AWS IoT Core simplifies device connectivity and real-time data processing. This article provides a practical example of setting up and connecting a device to AWS IoT Core for a temperature monitoring use case.

What Is AWS IoT Core?

AWS IoT Core is a fully managed service that:

  • Connects IoT devices to the cloud securely.
  • Processes data streams in real time.
  • Integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like Lambda, S3, and DynamoDB.

AWS IoT Core Device Example


We’ll set up a device that:

  1. Connects to AWS IoT Core using MQTT.
  2. Publishes temperature data to an MQTT topic.
  3. Subscribes to a topic to receive commands.

Step 1: Prerequisites

  1. AWS Account: Ensure you have access to AWS IoT Core.
  2. Hardware or Simulator:
    • Use a physical IoT device (e.g., Raspberry Pi).
    • Alternatively, use a local machine with Python installed.

MQTT Library: Install paho-mqtt for Python:

pip install paho-mqtt

Step 2: Create an IoT Thing

  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT Console:
    • Go to ManageThingsCreate Things.
  2. Create a Thing:
    • Name your device (e.g., TemperatureSensor).
    • Select Next to proceed.
  3. Certificates:
    • Generate a new certificate for your device.
    • Download the certificate, private key, and public key files.
    • Download the root CA (Amazon Root CA 1).
  4. Policies:
    • Attach an IoT policy to the certificate to allow the device to connect and publish data.

Example policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Step 3: Connect the Device

Python Script for Device Connection

Create a script to simulate the device behavior:

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import ssl
import json
import time
import random

# AWS IoT endpoint (replace with your own endpoint)
PORT = 8883
CLIENT_ID = "TemperatureSensor"
TOPIC_PUBLISH = "sensor/temperature"
TOPIC_SUBSCRIBE = "sensor/commands"

# Certificate and key files
CA_PATH = "AmazonRootCA1.pem"
CERT_PATH = "device-certificate.pem.crt"
KEY_PATH = "private.pem.key"

# MQTT callbacks
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print("Connected with result code: " + str(rc))

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    print(f"Message received: {msg.topic} - {msg.payload.decode()}")

# Initialize MQTT client
client = mqtt.Client(CLIENT_ID)
client.tls_set(CA_PATH, certfile=CERT_PATH, keyfile=KEY_PATH, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message

# Connect to AWS IoT Core
client.connect(AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT, PORT, keepalive=60)

# Publish temperature data
def publish_temperature():
    while True:
        temperature = random.uniform(20.0, 30.0)  # Simulate temperature reading
        payload = {"temperature": temperature, "timestamp": time.time()}
        client.publish(TOPIC_PUBLISH, json.dumps(payload))
        print(f"Published: {payload}")

# Start MQTT client

What It Does:

  • Connects securely to AWS IoT Core using MQTT.
  • Publishes random temperature readings to the sensor/temperature topic.
  • Subscribes to the sensor/commands topic to receive commands.

Step 4: Monitor the IoT Core Dashboard

  1. Test MQTT Topics:
    • Go to the AWS IoT ConsoleTestMQTT Test Client.
    • Subscribe to the sensor/temperature topic to view published data.
    • Publish a message to the sensor/commands topic to send a command to the device.
  2. View Metrics:
    • Use CloudWatch to monitor MQTT message throughput and device connectivity.

Step 5: Integrate with AWS Services

  • Store Data: Use AWS Lambda to process MQTT messages and store data in DynamoDB or S3.
  • Trigger Actions: Set up IoT Rules to invoke Lambda functions or trigger notifications via SNS.

Best Practices for AWS IoT Core

  1. Secure Communication: Always use TLS for secure connections and manage certificates carefully.
  2. Optimize Policies: Use least-privilege policies to secure device permissions.
  3. Monitor Devices: Enable CloudWatch metrics and logging for visibility.
  4. Scalability: Use IoT Device Shadow for managing device states at scale.


AWS IoT Core simplifies connecting, managing, and monitoring IoT devices securely. By following this example, you can quickly set up a device to publish and subscribe to MQTT topics, enabling real-time communication with the cloud. AWS IoT Core provides the flexibility and scalability needed to power IoT applications across various industries.